Voice Teacher in Mountain View, CA

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A good voice teacher & technique can teach any singer regardless of age & experience how to successfully move/transition smoothly through their vocal range/low to high registers, resulting in a voice that sounds full and connected without breaks or major shifts in tone and with optimal vocal health. At MVVL you’ll receive nothing less, and with our instructors patience, encouraging coaching and a little hard work, you’ll be able to hear and feel the difference in your voice in just a short time.

Pauline is able to analyze the voice and will approach each student and situation on a case-by-case basis, using specific, targeted exercises to assist the student reach his or her vocal goals. She works with people of all ages and levels of development, from those just wanting to learn how to sing for fun and those who already are, or aspire to perform on stage in a band or Musical Theater. Her students have experienced greater results than their own expectations with her nurturing ways and innovative voice techniques.

Best Voice Teachers in San Jose

Private Voice Lessons

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Why Choose Us

  • Excellent Private Instruction
  • A Recording of Each Lesson for Practice Purposes
  • .25 of a mile from PYT (Peninsular Youth Theater in Mountain View)